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Press The Play Button To See The Dog Mystic: Body Language Is Everything

HAPPY DOGS = HAPPY HOMES!!! Throughout This Course You Will Be Able To:

  • Create the best schedule that allows you to sleep peacefully throughout the night without ANY middle of the night accidents

  • How to choose the best crate or playpen for your household (you might be surprised by the answer)

  • Make your baby feel calm, peaceful, and safe inside their crate or playpen

  • You will learn how to instantly calm your dog’s anxiety by reading their body language. This will deepen your bond with your dog.

  • This may shock you, but in my experience, about 90% of people do not know how to pet a dog correctly. But do not worry because you will learn how to pet your dog the way she likes to be pet

  • Do you know that your dog learns from tone inflectlections? You will learn the 3 commands that will teach your dog to respect your authority.

  • Prevent a dog fight by learning how to introduce them safely to have peaceful interactions with other dogs.

Learn All About Dogs To Bring Peace To The Home

    1. A message from your instructor

    2. WELCOME!!!

    1. How to Housebreak Your Puppy or Dog

    2. How to Stop a Dog From Piddling and What is Piddling?

    3. There Are So Many Benefits to Confining Your Puppy or Rescue Dog

    4. Safe Toys to Keep Dogs Busy In Their Confinement

    5. Is Your Dog Eating Their Stool?

    6. Please Do Not Hit Your Dog!

    1. Tone Inflections

    2. How Do You Get Your Dog to Stop Barking?

    3. Dogs Should Be A Part Of Your Family!

    1. Be Aware Of The Different Body Languages That Dogs Have


    3. Is Your Dog Afraid Of The World But Not Aggressive?

    1. What Is The Proper Way To Pet a Dog?

    2. How To Teach an Extremely Scared Rescue Dog To Trust You

    1. How Dogs Learn

    2. Tone Inflections

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Happy Owner Testimonials

“We wanted to take the time to thank Cherie, The Dog Mystic. There has been a remarkable change in our puppy’s behavior since she has been working with her. Our puppy is very high in energy and is a bit of a whirling dervish who never stops. Controlling her was difficult. She had all of the bad habits – would not listen, would not come, play biting and barking incessantly. We were beginning to think that the puppy was a mistake. We met Cherie seven years ago when she worked with our other dog Smokey who had the same problems and description as our new puppy, Chewy. From Cherie’s first visit, there was a marked improvement. Cherie has given us some invaluable tools to work with our puppy. She is now easy to walk and heels with no problem. She will stay in “bed” for long periods of time, will sit and stay and she no longer barks for hours on end. We highly recommend her services. Sharon Sorg from Plantation, Fl.”

“I want to thank Cherie for the valuable time she spent with our dog Riley. Riley is now 10 years old and when we first got him as a puppy he was very hyper around the house and very difficult to walk. We tried 2 other trainers before using Cherie. She was extremely patient with Riley and especially with us. Teaching the owners of a challenging pet is probably the most important part of training them, so they can be a wonderful addition to a loving family! Riley is now an incredible part of our family. He’s great in so many ways. We’ve utilized the training tools that Cherie shared with us and still continue to do so…from walking with him…and getting him to come when called…. Different techniques may be needed with different animals but Cherie helped us figure out what would work best with Riley. I highly recommend Cherie as a trainer. Irene Stark from Plantation, Fl.”

“14 years ago my family and I took home our 3 month old Labrador puppy, the same day we moved into our new home and I was 3 months pregnant. Rocky was the cutest most docile puppy until he was 6 months old. He was very hyper, ran away at least 4 times a day to go swimming in neighbors pools, destroyed furniture, jumped on counters, ate everything in site and was extremely stubborn. His behavior was overwhelming and caused concern for our baby along the way. One of the best decisions we made was to call Cherie for help! She was able to introduce Rocky to our baby in utero spiritually. He was calm, loving and protective once our little girl arrived. Cherie successfully educated all our family members to be consistent in training Rocky on how to walk him on a leash, listen to commands and interpret sign language. Rocky is now 14 years old and the best family dog ever. We were not only lucky enough to have an awesome family dog, we also gained an awesome friend in our dog trainer! Success all around! 5 stars Renee Babinec”

“We are truly blessed for Cherie to have trained our Shih-Apso brothers when they were six months old prior to family arriving for a stay in our home. Cherie gently and supportively worked wonders on our boys (and us, too!) "Our boys" are now two years old and I called Cherie to discuss another matter. She graciously accepted my call and offered her expert advice. It is not possible to list all the positive adjectives to describe this wonder(ful) woman! Be blessed...share some time with Cherie who will allow your pets to shine! Susan Fili”

“Course review for How Do I Choose The Right Dog For Me? Proper Problem Solving Techniques When Having a New Puppy by Sandra Cronin *****| Review title Very good Review text Loved it ”

“Course review for Happy Dogs Equals Happy Owners by Tracy Mosher **** Thank you Cherie!! The course is perfect for new puppy parents. The House breaking technique is simple and effective. My puppy is 10 weeks old. I can safely say that after 3 days of implementing The house breaking schedule and procedures my puppy is well on her way to being house broken!!”

The Dog Mystic

“I am The Dog Mystic, I help families keep their dogs in their forever home by teaching them how to train their dog without treats” - Cherie A. Marquez

Bonus material

  • One Virtual Online Obedience class

    $125 Value

    We will speak before to see what you would like to work on. I will send you written instructions. Then we will set up a Virtual class via Zoom for 1 1/2 hours.


Invest in your happy home for less than you spend a month on Starbucks coffee. Instead, put your money where your heart is.